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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Navigating the Aftermath: Assessing Wind Damage and Restoring Your Property

9/25/2023 (Permalink)

When a severe storm with strong winds passes through an area, it can leave a trail of destruction in its wake. From fallen trees and downed power lines to damaged roofs and shattered windows, wind damage can be extensive and overwhelming. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of assessing wind damage, the steps to take in the aftermath, and the resources available to help you navigate the process.

Safety First

Before assessing any wind damage, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and the safety of others. Stay away from any downed power lines and avoid entering buildings or areas that may be structurally unsound. Keep an eye out for hazards such as broken glass, exposed electrical wires, or gas leaks. If necessary, evacuate the area and contact the appropriate authorities for assistance.

Exterior Assessment

Once you have ensured your safety, you can begin assessing the damage to the exterior of your property. Check for any visible signs of damage, such as missing shingles, siding, or damaged windows. Look for fallen trees or large branches that may pose a danger to your property or neighboring structures. Take photos or videos of the damage as they may be useful for insurance claims.

Interior Assessment

After examining the exterior, it is time to assess the damage inside your home or building. Look for signs of water intrusion, such as stains, dampness, or mold growth. Check ceilings for any signs of leakage, and inspect walls and floors for cracks or structural damage. Take note of any damaged furniture, appliances, or personal belongings.

Documenting the Damage

To ensure a smoother claims process with your insurance company, it is essential to document the wind damage thoroughly. Take detailed photographs or videos of the damage from multiple angles. Make a list of the affected items and their approximate value. Keep all receipts and invoices related to repairs, temporary housing, or any expenses incurred due to the wind damage. This documentation will help support your insurance claim and ensure you receive appropriate compensation.

Contacting Your Insurance Company

Once you have assessed the damage and gathered all the necessary documentation, it is time to contact your insurance company. Notify them of the wind damage and provide them with all the relevant information and evidence. Follow their instructions regarding the claims process and provide any additional documentation they may require. Keep copies of all communication with your insurance company for your records.

Seeking Professional Help

In many cases, it is advisable to seek the assistance of professionals to assess and repair wind damage. Experienced contractors, roofers, and restoration companies can provide a thorough assessment of the damage and ensure the necessary repairs are carried out correctly. They can also help in mitigating further damage and preventing issues like mold growth or structural instability.

Assessing wind damage is a critical step in the aftermath of a severe storm. By prioritizing safety and conducting thorough assessments, you can navigate the process efficiently and ensure that you receive the necessary support. Remember, professional assistance is available to help you with repairs and restoration. Stay proactive, stay safe, and seek the help you need to recover from wind damage and restore your property.

Dousing the Flames: How Fire Sprinklers Work to Combat Fires

8/8/2023 (Permalink)

In the event of a fire, one of the most critical tools for fire suppression and protection is the fire sprinkler system. While you may have seen fire sprinklers in buildings, you may wonder how they actually work to combat fires. In this blog post, we will delve into the mechanics of fire sprinklers and explain how they operate during a fire.

Automatic activation

Fire sprinklers are designed to activate automatically when a certain temperature is reached in the vicinity. Each sprinkler head is individually heat-sensitive and is triggered independently based on the fire's heat. This means that only the sprinklers closest to the fire will activate, minimizing water damage to unaffected areas.

Fire sprinkler heads feature a small glass bulb or a metal element that contains a heat-sensitive liquid or a fusible alloy. When the ambient temperature rises due to a fire, the heat causes the liquid to expand or the alloy to melt, breaking the seal and allowing water to flow through the sprinkler.

Water flow

Once triggered, the sprinkler head opens, and water begins to flow. The amount of water released depends on the specific sprinkler type, which is determined by the hazard classification and the intended use of the area. In many cases, a single sprinkler head can effectively control or extinguish a fire.

Fire sprinklers are designed to distribute water in a specific pattern to efficiently combat the fire. The water is dispersed in a cone-shaped spray, which helps maximize coverage and suppress flames effectively. The spray pattern is carefully engineered to cool the surrounding area and prevent the fire from spreading.

Localized protection

Unlike popular misconceptions often portrayed in movies, fire sprinklers do not activate all at once in a building. Only the sprinklers in the immediate vicinity of the fire are activated. This targeted approach minimizes water damage and allows occupants to safely evacuate the building.

In certain environments where freezing temperatures can occur, dual-chambered sprinklers are used. These sprinkler heads contain two separate compartments - one filled with air and the other with water. The air compartment prevents water from entering the sprinkler until the ambient temperature reaches a specified level, preventing freezing and ensuring proper functionality.

False alarm prevention

Fire sprinklers are designed with a high level of reliability to prevent false alarms. They have a heat-activated mechanism that requires sustained exposure to heat before they will activate. This helps prevent accidental discharge due to minor temperature fluctuations or non-fire-related events.

Fire sprinklers work in conjunction with fire detection systems, such as smoke detectors or heat sensors. While fire detection systems detect the presence of fire, sprinklers provide rapid and automatic fire suppression, helping to control the fire while emergency responders make their way to the scene.

Fire sprinklers are a vital part of any fire protection system, providing reliable and efficient fire suppression in the event of a fire. By automatically reacting to rising temperatures, they quickly distribute water to extinguish or control the fire, minimizing damage and protecting lives. Understanding how fire sprinklers work can help instill confidence in their effectiveness and highlight the importance of regular maintenance to ensure their proper operation.

So, the next time you see fire sprinklers in a building, remember their critical role in fire safety and the role they play in protecting lives and property during a fire.

What to Do with Water-Damaged Electronics: Essential Steps to Follow

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be devastating, especially when it affects our valuable electronics. Whether it's a smartphone, laptop, or other electronic devices, exposure to water can cause irreparable harm if not addressed promptly and properly. In this blog post, we will guide you through essential steps to take when dealing with water-damaged electronics, helping you maximize the chances of recovery and minimize potential losses.

Step 1: Act quickly and power off the device

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. As soon as you discover your electronic device has been exposed to water, power it off immediately. Do not attempt to turn it on or charge it, as this can cause further damage and increase the risk of a short circuit.

Step 2: Disconnect from power source 

Unplug the device from any power source and remove the batteries (if possible). This step helps prevent electrical current from flowing through the water-damaged components and causing additional harm.

Step 3: Dry the device

Gently pat dry the exterior of the device with a soft cloth or paper towel to remove any visible water. Avoid rubbing or applying excessive pressure, as this can push water further into the device. Do not use a hairdryer or heat source, as excessive heat can damage the internal components.

Step 4: Disassemble 

If you are comfortable and have experience with electronics, consider disassembling the device to expose the internal components. This step allows for more effective drying and reduces the likelihood of corrosion. Take caution and refer to device-specific guides or seek professional assistance if needed.

Step 5: Air dry or use desiccants

Place the disassembled device or the intact device in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a container filled with uncooked rice or silica gel packets to absorb moisture. Allow the device to air dry for at least 48 hours. It's essential to be patient during this process to ensure thorough drying.

Step 6: Consult professional repair services

After the device has dried completely, it's recommended to consult professional repair services. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to assess the extent of the damage and determine if repairs are possible. In some cases, the cost of repair may exceed the value of the device, and it may be more practical to consider replacing it.

Step 7: Backup and retrieve data

If your device contains important data and you were unable to access it due to water damage, consult professional data recovery services. They may be able to salvage your data from the damaged device. Going forward, remember to regularly back up your data to prevent significant data loss in the event of future accidents.

Step 8: Learn from the experience and take preventive measures

Water damage incidents serve as valuable lessons. Consider how the water damage occurred and take preventive measures to avoid similar situations in the future. Invest in waterproof or water-resistant cases for your devices, be cautious around water sources, and take extra care when using electronics in humid or wet environments.

Dealing with water-damaged electronics can be stressful, but by following these essential steps, you can increase the chances of recovery and minimize potential losses. Remember to act quickly, power off the device, and dry it thoroughly. Seeking professional assistance, backing up data, and implementing preventive measures will help you protect your valuable electronics and mitigate the risks of water damage in the future.

Unleashing Nature's Fury: The Unique Challenges of Storm Damage Cleaning

7/6/2023 (Permalink)

When it comes to damage caused by natural disasters, storms are often the culprits responsible for wreaking havoc on homes and properties. Storm damage differs significantly from ordinary damage due to its destructive power, the variety of elements involved, and the specialized cleaning and restoration techniques required. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between storm damage cleaning and ordinary damage, shedding light on the unique challenges and considerations faced in each scenario.

Severity and Scale

Storm damage is notorious for its severity and scale, often surpassing the impact of everyday mishaps. Whether it's a fierce hurricane, a violent thunderstorm, or a relentless torrential downpour, the forces of nature can unleash devastation in a short span of time. Compared to ordinary damage caused by, say, a leaking pipe or a small fire, storm damage encompasses a much larger area and affects multiple aspects of a property.

Multiple Elements at Play

One crucial distinction between storm damage and ordinary damage lies in the wide range of elements involved. Storms bring a deadly combination of wind, rain, lightning, hail, and sometimes even flooding. Each element poses unique challenges for cleaning and restoration professionals. Wind can cause structural damage, break windows, and scatter debris across the affected area. Rain and flooding lead to water damage, potentially affecting walls, floors, and personal belongings. Lightning can cause fires, and hail can dent or destroy roofs and other exposed surfaces. The diverse elements involved necessitate a comprehensive approach to restoration.

Safety Hazards

Storm damage scenarios often present significant safety hazards that must be addressed before cleaning and restoration efforts can begin. Fallen power lines, compromised structures, and unstable debris pose risks to both homeowners and cleanup crews. Safety protocols and specialized equipment, such as personal protective gear, are essential when dealing with storm damage. Professional restoration teams are trained to assess and mitigate these risks, ensuring a safe environment for all involved.

Urgency and Timelines

Time is of the essence when it comes to storm damage. Unlike ordinary damage, which can sometimes be addressed over a more extended period, storm damage requires immediate action to prevent further deterioration and secondary issues like mold growth. The urgency stems from the fact that exposure to elements like water and wind can exacerbate the damage rapidly. Restoration professionals are trained to respond swiftly to storm-related emergencies, implementing strategic plans to minimize further harm.

Specialized Expertise and Equipment

Due to the unique challenges posed by storm damage, specialized expertise and equipment are essential for effective cleaning and restoration. Professional teams experienced in storm damage have the knowledge and skills to assess the extent of the damage accurately, develop appropriate restoration strategies, and utilize specialized equipment. This equipment may include high-powered water extraction machines, industrial-strength dehumidifiers, large-scale drying systems, and advanced techniques for mold remediation. Such resources are crucial for a thorough cleanup and successful restoration.

Storm damage cleaning and restoration stand apart from ordinary damage due to the severity and scale of destruction, the involvement of multiple elements, the presence of safety hazards, the urgency of response, and the need for specialized expertise and equipment. When faced with storm damage, it is crucial to seek professional assistance promptly to ensure a swift and thorough recovery. By understanding these differences, homeowners can better appreciate the challenges and complexities involved in storm damage cleaning and restoration, leading to a smoother path to recovery.

When Time is of the Essence: Understanding How Quickly Mold Forms After a Water Loss

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

Understanding how quickly mold can grow and spread is crucial for preventing its growth and minimizing its impact. Mold spores are present in the air we breathe and can settle and grow on any surface that provides a suitable environment for their growth, such as moist and warm areas.

Mold can begin to grow within 24-48 hours of exposure to moisture, and it can spread rapidly, producing millions of spores that can quickly infest an entire room or building.

Mold can also spread through the air and be carried from one location to another by people, pets, and air conditioning systems. The rate of mold growth and spread can depend on various factors, including the type of mold, the humidity levels, the temperature, and the presence of organic materials for mold to feed on. To prevent mold growth and spread, it is important to maintain a dry and well-ventilated environment, fix any leaks or water damage promptly, and clean and disinfect affected areas thoroughly.

Common Problem

Mold growth is a common problem after water damage in homes or buildings. One of the most common questions people have is how quickly mold forms after a water loss.

Mold can grow rapidly

Mold can begin to grow within 24 to 48 hours after a water loss. This is because mold spores are present in the air and on surfaces in your home. When water is introduced, it creates a moist environment that allows mold spores to germinate and grow. The longer the water is left untreated, the more likely it is that mold will begin to grow.

Within 48 hours to 1 week, Mold will continue to grow and spread throughout the affected area. It may start to produce a musty odor and discoloration on walls, ceilings, and floors.

Within 1 week to 3 weeks, the mold growth will become more severe. The musty odor may become more noticeable, and the discoloration may become more prominent.

After 3 weeks, the mold growth may become irreversible and cause severe damage to the property. The affected area may require professional remediation, and the cost of repairs may increase significantly.

Importance Note of Mold growth 

It is important to note that mold growth can vary depending on the temperature, humidity levels, and the type of water damage. For example, mold can grow more quickly in warm, humid conditions compared to cool, dry conditions.

If you experience water damage in your home or building, it is essential to act quickly to prevent mold growth. The first step is to remove the water and dry the affected area as soon as possible. If you notice any signs of mold growth, such as a musty odor or discoloration, it is important to contact a professional mold remediation company to assess the situation and provide a plan of action.

In conclusion, mold growth can begin within 24 to 48 hours after a water loss and damage your property. Give SERVPRO of Central Ft. Myers a call at the first sign of mold damage in your home or business.

When to Schedule Furnace Maintenance: Tips for Homeowners

5/1/2023 (Permalink)

Maintaining your furnace is an essential aspect of homeownership. A well-maintained furnace can save you money on utility bills, increase your comfort during the winter months, and extend the life of your furnace. But the question remains, when should you maintain your furnace?

Here are some key points to consider when it comes to furnace maintenance:

Annual Maintenance

It is recommended that homeowners have their furnaces inspected and maintained annually. The best time to have this done is in the fall, before the cold weather hits. Regular maintenance can help catch any issues early, prevent breakdowns, and ensure that your furnace is running efficiently.

During an annual maintenance visit, a technician will typically clean and inspect the furnace's components, including the blower motor, burners, and heat exchanger. They will also check the filters, thermostat, and electrical connections. If they identify any issues, they can make repairs or recommend additional maintenance steps.

Age of Your Furnace

The age of your furnace can also determine when you should have maintenance done. If your furnace is less than 10 years old and has been well-maintained, an annual inspection may be sufficient. However, if your furnace is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider more frequent maintenance visits. Older furnaces are more prone to breakdowns, and regular maintenance can help extend their lifespan.

Usage and Climate

How often you use your furnace and the climate you live in can also impact when you should maintain your furnace. If you live in a colder climate or use your furnace frequently, you may need more frequent maintenance visits. This is because the furnace is working harder and is more prone to wear and tear. Additionally, if you notice any changes in your furnace's performance, such as strange noises, uneven heating, or a spike in your utility bills, it may be time to schedule maintenance.

Safety Concerns

Finally, safety concerns should also be considered when it comes to furnace maintenance. If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, shut off your furnace immediately and call a professional technician. Additionally, if you notice any signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, such as headaches, dizziness, or nausea, evacuate your home and call for emergency assistance.

In conclusion, furnace maintenance is essential for ensuring your furnace runs efficiently, preventing breakdowns, and increasing its lifespan. Annual maintenance visits are recommended, but the age of your furnace, usage, climate, and safety concerns should also be considered when determining when to maintain your furnace. Scheduling regular maintenance can save you money in the long run.

How do I maintain fire sprinklers in my building?

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

Maintaining your fire sprinklers is a crucial part of running a business. It's important to keep the system in good shape so that it can do its job when it needs to. Fire sprinkler installation companies will be able to provide regular maintenance and inspections for your building's sprinkler system so that you don't have to worry about being unprepared for an emergency.

What is a fire sprinkler?

First, you need to know what the sprinkler system is. These systems automatically activate when the temperature reaches a certain level or when a heat detector goes off. They're often found buildings and industrial spaces where they don't need to be monitored by humans or computers.

Sprinklers with automatic control panels that can be programmed remotely via computer interface or app--this includes most residential systems installed. These panels allow you to change settings remotely if needed, but they aren't typically monitored full time by someone at your building's office.

Inspection done by a professional.

The next step is to have an inspection done by a professional. How often you should have your fire sprinklers inspected depends on the age of your building and its location. Inspections are typically required once every three years, but some states require an inspection every two years.

If you're unsure whether or not your building needs an inspection, contact your local fire department or building inspector's office for more information about local regulations regarding sprinkler maintenance and inspections.

You may want to hire a professional fire protection contractor who specializes in inspecting sprinkler systems for commercial buildings--or simply ask around for recommendations among friends who own businesses with similar structures as yours (you'll be surprised how many people know someone who has dealt with this issue!).

Potential issues include clogs, leaks, and freezing.

Clogged sprinklers are the most common problem with fire sprinkler systems. A clog can cause water loss and damage to your building's interior. If you see any signs of a clogged line (such as slow discharge from any one or two sprinklers), you should call in a professional to clean it out before it causes more serious damage.

Leaks are another issue that can lead to significant damage if not repaired quickly. Leaks could come from several place, between pipe joints, at valves, under valve seats, or around heads where they meet walls or ceilings. When you notice signs of leakage such as wet spots on floors or ceilings near fire protection equipment locations like valves/heads/risers etc. call the professionals to access the damage.

Regular maintenance can also prevent some of these problems.

Regular maintenance can also prevent some of these problems. If you have a fire sprinkler system that is not working properly, it may not be able to detect and extinguish a fire in time. It's important to have your sprinkler systems inspected regularly so that you know when they need repairs or replacement parts. Maintaining fire sprinklers will help ensure that your business stays safe and protected.

Maintaining fire sprinklers is a simple but important step in ensuring the safety of your business. It's easy to forget about these systems, but regular maintenance will help keep them in good condition and prevent any potential problems from arising. If you're interested in learning more about how we can help with this process (and many others), contact us today!

Protect your Home from Water Damage

2/8/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be expensive to repair and even more costly if it's not caught before it causes a water loss. If you're worried about water damage in your home, check your appliances, home exterior, attic, etc to protect your home from damages.

Check your Appliances

Check your appliances. Water damage can be caused by faulty hoses, cracked faucets and leaking or broken pipes. Check all of these regularly, but especially after a cold snap.

Maintain your Homes Exterior

Inspect the exterior of your home regularly to make sure it's not letting water in. Make sure gutters and downspouts are clear, and that siding and other surfaces are not letting water penetrate them. Check for signs of water damage or penetration, mold growth, and proper ventilation.

Monitor the Attic

Monitor the attic. Look for signs of moisture and leaks that could cause mold growth and a whole host of other problems. Also check for proper ventilation.

The attic is one of the most important areas to inspect after a flood or storm, since it absorbs a lot of damage when water comes into contact with your roof. If you have any doubts about whether your attic needs more attention than just replacing some drywall, then consider hiring a professional to do an inspection so they can find any potential issues before they become expensive repairs down the road.

Check the Windows and Doors

Check the windows and doors. Look around the window frames, door frames (especially under kick plates) and thresholds for evidence of water damage or penetration. Pay attention to any mold smells as well.

Check for moisture in the frame. Moisture in your home's framing can cause significant structural damage, especially over time. If you suspect that a window leaks, check it from inside by running water onto its surface from a hose or bucket outside.

Look closely at seals and thresholds for signs of water damage like stains and cracks in paintwork or wood (which can lead to rot) or rusting metal fasteners if you have aluminum windows. These are signs that there has been a leak at some point in recent history which needs immediate attention before additional damage occurs.

Inspect your roof

Inspect your roof. If you see missing or damaged shingles, leaks or dark spots on the decking, you may need to replace the roof soon. Check your roof for missing shingles and damaged areas that could allow water to seep in. If you discover any such damage, get it repaired immediately before a storm or rainy season sets in so the problem doesn't become worse.

If you take these tips to heart, they can help protect your home from water damage. Your home is an investment that deserves protection, so make sure to check these things regularly and get them fixed if necessary. If there's any doubt about what might be causing a problem, call a professional for advice or even a quote on repairs.

Creating an Emergency Action Plan for your Business

1/10/2023 (Permalink)

Creating an Emergency Action Plan for your Business

As a business owner, it’s important to think about various types of emergencies and develop an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for your business. An EAP helps you prepare for and manage an emergency before it happens. It’s also often required by law for certain types of businesses. 

There are a variety of things that could occur to disrupt your business.

When planning for business continuity, you should consider the possibility that your company could be impacted by any number of events. Disruptions can affect a business’s ability to continue operating, particularly if they result in a loss of power or interruption of telecommunications services (which are increasingly reliant on the internet). Other disruptions might include:

  • Natural disasters such as storms and earthquakes
  • Cyber-attacks on your network infrastructure

You could face disruptions due to:

  • Weather-related events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and snowstorms.
  • Power outages. These can be caused by severe weather or power grid problems. If your business relies on electricity to operate, you may need to shut down until the power is restored. This may involve closing the office for the day or even longer if damage requires more extensive repairs than first thought.
  • Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. If a natural disaster strikes near where you have operations, there's a chance that roads will be blocked by fallen trees or other debris—or damaged so badly they're impassable—and power lines could fall across roads making them unsafe for travel.

Weather-Related Events

In addition to man-made emergencies, like fires, there are also many types of weather-related events that can disrupt your business operations and threaten the safety of your employees.

  • Snow: During the winter months, snowstorms can cause power outages, transportation delays and more.
  • Ice: Ice storms can not only cause power outages but also make travel unsafe for drivers and pedestrians alike.
  • Thunderstorms: Severe thunderstorms can bring wind damage as well as flooding due to heavy rains or hail. High winds may damage roofs or knock over trees onto buildings as well.
  • Hurricanes/Tornadoes/Floods/Droughts: These extreme weather conditions are all capable of causing severe damage to property and disrupting daily operations if emergency plans aren't in place before these events occur.

Power Outages

The next thing you want to think about is power outages. You need to have a backup power supply in case your main generator goes down and can’t be repaired quickly. You should keep this backup generator the same size as your primary one, so that it can run all the equipment in your building without overloading it. 

If you don’t already have an emergency communications system in place that works even when there are no cell phones or internet access. That includes text messages sent through email servers where people can check their accounts at work or home computers via Wi-Fi access points even if those devices aren't connected directly through cable modems or fiber optic cables like usual networks would provide them with service instead using wireless signals sent by radio waves emitted by antennas mounted on towers scattered throughout communities being able to reach most locations within range without needing much investment upfront cost-wise.

Make sure everyone knows where they're supposed to go once there's smoke seen billowing out from vents near exits leading outside – this could indicate fire has started somewhere inside building structure causing smoke conditions that require immediate evacuation before conditions worsen beyond control.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and wildfires

When it comes to natural disasters, it’s important for businesses to have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). An EAP is a plan that describes how you will respond in the event of an emergency. A good EAP takes into account the risks associated with your location or industry and outlines what actions staff should take if they are at work during an event.

Accidents such as those involving hazardous materials or vehicles

  • Accidents can be caused by human error or equipment failure.
  • A good plan should include procedures for reporting accidents, and the subsequent evacuation of employees and other responders.
  • A good plan should also include procedures for contacting emergency responders in case of an evacuation that is handled by outside help.

Civil disturbances

A civil disturbance is any form of public disorder that presents a substantial threat to the community, including:

  • Riots
  • Demonstrations
  • Stampedes
  • Looting and vandalism

Although you can’t prevent emergencies, you can be prepared for them. 

Having an emergency action plan (EAP) will help you and your employees stay calm and alert during times of crisis. It’s a good idea to prepare for the unexpected, even if you don’t think it would ever happen to your business. The key is being ready to respond quickly in case of an emergency. Here are some steps to take:

  • List all possible emergencies that could occur at your workplace, including fires, floods, and power outages.
  • Identify how each participant should respond to the different types of emergencies so they know what actions they need to take when faced with specific situations. For example, do not try putting out a fire unless there are proper safety equipment on hand such as fire extinguishers or emergency lighting.
  • Create an evacuation route plan identifying exits from every room in the building within 30 seconds of any threat or hazard occurring.
  • List other useful information such as phone numbers for police (911), fire department (911) chemical spill hotline number, poison control center hotline number, poison ivy/oak/sumac plant info antihistamine, etc...

You can’t prevent emergencies, but you can be prepared for them. By creating an emergency action plan and sharing it with your employees, you’ll know how to respond if any of the situations mentioned above occurs. It will also help others know what they should do in case something happens to you as well.

Benefits of Regular House Plumbing Inspections

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Benefits of Regular House Plumbing Inspections

Regular plumbing inspections can help prevent problems with your pipes. A good inspection will also protect you from having to pay for more serious problems down the road — and potentially save you from a burst pipe that ruins your home’s walls and flooring.

Prevents future plumbing problems

The plumbing systems in your home are complex and delicate. The more you know about how they work, the better prepared you'll be to prevent future problems and understand when there is an issue. With regular inspections from a licensed plumber, you can detect problems before they become major issues, saving money on expensive repairs down the road. 

Prevents bursting of pipes

If a pipe bursts, it can cause a lot of damage. It could cost thousands of dollars to repair the damage, and you will also have to deal with the aftermath of flooding and water damage. Bursting pipes can also cause mold growth in your home which is unhealthy for everyone living there.

Prevents major issues

Plumbing issues can be very expensive to repair, and some of them can result in mold or mildew growth. If there is a leak, it will also cause damage to your walls and flooring. Therefore, it's important that you have regular inspections done on your plumbing system so that if there are any problems, they can be detected early on and fixed before they become more costly or dangerous.

If you have an inspection done by a professional plumbing company, they will not only detect problems but also recommend solutions for them if needed. This way the issue won't escalate into something bigger than it needs to be. The professional will also give valuable advice on how often inspections should occur as well as what they should look for during different stages of life (such as after major renovations).

Detects the issue before it spreads

We all know that water damage is a huge issue. But did you know that plumbing issues can cause even more harm than just structural damage? If left unchecked, a small leak can quickly become a very big problem. As the water continues to flow down the drain or pipe, it will eventually find its way into the rest of your home and start infiltrating walls, flooring, and other areas.

One common way this happens is through cracks in pipes or joints. Another way is when your house's foundation shifts over time due to repeated use of certain appliances (like washing machines) or poor construction/design. When these things happen, cracks can form between sections of piping which will allow water to pass through them freely without interruption.

So how do we stop this from happening? The answer is regular inspections from licensed plumbers. Through careful inspection techniques — and by using state-of-the-art technology when necessary — we can spot potential problems before they turn into costly repairs down the road!

Can detect other household issues

Plumbing problems can indicate other issues with your home.

  • Electrical issues are a common cause of plumbing issues, so if you notice that your sink is draining slowly or not at all, it could be a sign that something is wrong with the electrical system.
  • Structural problems can also be responsible for plumbing complications. If your toilet flushes intermittently, it could be due to faulty flooring or foundation underneath it.
  • Pests can wreak havoc on your house and its pipes as well. Ants in particular like to burrow into drainpipes and nests inside walls where they’ll create blockages over time—which will eventually cause clogs in sinks and toilets if left untreated long enough!

Protects your home’s valuation

Regular plumbing inspections can also help protect the value of your home. A home in good condition is more likely to sell for a higher price and having a well-maintained plumbing system is one of the factors that people consider when purchasing a new property. Having an inspection can help ensure that your plumbing is in good condition and will reduce the likelihood of needing major repairs in the future. By scheduling regular inspections, you can be sure that your pipes are safe, which helps keep your family safe as well.

Using regular inspections can help protect the value of your home.

Homeowners can protect their property values and prevent additional damage by scheduling regular plumbing inspections. When you schedule an inspection, a technician will come to your home and evaluate the state of your plumbing system. They’ll check for leaks, make sure that all pipes are properly sized for current flow rates and pressure requirements, and discuss any necessary maintenance plans.

In addition to helping, you avoid costly repairs down the road, regular inspections also offer other benefits:

As you can see, regular plumbing inspections can save you a lot of money in the long run. And if you ever encounter water damage or need professional restoration like SERVPRO of Bonita Springs /Estero, give us a call! 

Does My Carpet Have To Be Replaced?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

Does My Carpet Have to be Replaced?

If your home or business has been affected by a flood, you’re probably wondering if your carpets can be salvaged. The answer depends on the cause of the flooding, but in most cases, carpet may be salvageable if it's dried out properly. Carpeting is often installed over a vapor barrier that prevents moisture from seeping into floors. They're not easy to replace once they get wet.

While it's up to you whether you want to replace your carpeting after flooding, here's how the professionals recommend going about it:

The water source dictates whether the carpet can be saved.

If the water source is clean, such as a pipe burst or supply line, the carpet can probably be saved. However, if the water source is dirty, like after a flood caused by a storm, then you’ll probably need to replace your carpet.

If you have the time, start by removing any furniture, electronics, and other items from the carpeted area. Removing these objects will make it easier to clean up any spills that occur during cleaning. 

  • If there's water on your floor, remove it.
  • If the water is still on your floor, use a wet/dry vacuum to remove it. If there’s a lot of water, use a mop.
  • If you have just a little bit of water, use a mop to soak up the liquid.

Extract as much water as possible from the carpet.

Most carpet damage is caused by water, so it's important to extract as much water as possible. If you have a wet vac, use this to vacuum out as much moisture as possible. If not, try using a towel or sponge and blotting the excess liquid up until the carpet feels dry. Do not rub your hands back and forth on the carpet; instead, just pat it lightly with your hand in one direction (this will help prevent further damage).

Dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers; seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth.

If you’ve experienced a flood, don’t panic. Your options are better than you think! It may seem like it would be faster and easier to just replace the carpeting in your home, but if done right, there is hope of salvaging your floor covering.

This process will take time and patience—but if done correctly, it can pay off big time (and save you thousands of dollars).

First things first—dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers; seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth. The amount of time required depends on how much water got into your floors (if any), but typically it takes 2-5 days for most water-soaked materials to dry completely. If there was significant damage from flooding or other sources (such as sewage) then just keep in mind that this process could take longer than expected!

Professionals recommend leaving carpets in place until everything else is dry. Consider that vapor barriers and insulation under floors may be wet, so leave them alone until a professional has inspected your home.

  • Remove wet carpet as soon as possible.
  • Clean up any water that's left on the floor.
  • Dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers.
  • Seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth

If you're too overwhelmed to deal with this situation on your own, contact a water damage restoration professional like SERVPRO of Central Ft. Myers. They'll be able to assess the damage and do everything necessary to get your carpets back in shape - so that they look like new again!

What To Do After a Fire.

10/13/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial fire damage If your commercial building suffers fire damage call SERVPRO of Central Ft. Myers. We are here to help.

What To Do After a Fire.

After a fire, it's very hard to know what to do first. There are many steps you need to follow to make sure that your home is secure and safe after a fire has occurred. If you're prepared and know what to do after a fire, it makes the process much easier!

After a fire, it's very hard to know what to do first.

Fire can be devastating to a home. After the fire is out and you have time to take stock of your situation, you might be overwhelmed by what to do next.

If you're wondering "What should I do after a fire?" then here are some tips that can help:

  • If possible, check if there's water damage or smoke damage in the area where the fire took place (for example, in an oven). 
  • If there is water damage or smoke damage, clean up quickly—taking care not to make things worse with your cleaning supplies—to prevent mold growth or other problems from developing later.
  • If possible, check if there's visible smoke residue left over from the fire. You may want to vacuum any areas where this residue was deposited; otherwise, it could attract dust particles or insects that could make their way into your home and cause problems later. 
  • Check whether any electrical devices were damaged in the fire: outlets/switches/fans/heaters/light fixtures etc... If so, contact an electrician for advice before repairing them yourself. 
  • Take photos of any damaged items so you can refer to them when filing insurance claims.

Call your insurance company as soon as you can.

It's important to call your insurance company as soon as you can. Your agent will be able to help advise on the extent of the damage that is covered under your insurance policy. 

If it's a large-scale emergency response where professionals are needed, do not try to restore the area on your own — harmful odors and chemicals left over from the fire could cause complications. Instead, seek out a reliable restoration company that can remove the damaged items and thoroughly restore the affected area. 

Board-up services might be able to help secure your home after a fire.

Sometimes, the heat of the flames can shatter windows and compromise Board-up services are a good idea if you need to secure your home after a fire. It's important to make sure the boards are secure and that they don't have any gaps, because any intruders could just push open the loose boards. If you're not sure about this, ask someone who knows how to do it right (like our friendly service providers).

After securing your Central Fr. Myers home with professional board-up services, we recommend having another trusted party come by and check on the outside of your house in case anything needs repairing.

Get cleaning services on-site ASAP.

The sooner you can get cleaning services on site, the better. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to remove any lingering smoke or odor. You should not attempt to clean up yourself with a mop and bucket—you need trained professionals for this job.

If your home or commercial property has been damaged by fire, you will need to make sure that you don't spread the fire further by spreading ashes from your vacuum cleaner around other areas of your home.

If you're prepared and know what to do after a fire, it makes the process so much easier.

The best way to handle a fire is to have a plan in place. If you know what to do after a fire, it makes the process easier. 

We've outlined some of the most important steps below:

  • Make sure everyone is out of your house and then call 911
  • Check on all family members who were inside at the time of the fire; look for any signs of burns or smoke inhalation
  • If anyone injured needs medical attention, make sure they get it immediately

There's no doubt that when your commercial property has been damaged by fire, you're going to be shocked and upset. But if you don't know what to do first, it can make the process even more difficult. Follow these steps, and the process will be much less stressful!

How Do You Remove Lint From a Clothes Dryer?

8/29/2022 (Permalink)

Reduce The Risk Of Lint Fire In Your Home

Removing lint from your dryer is important for the dryer to run correctly and for avoiding a lint fire. About 2,900 fires occur every year because of dryers.

If your dryer does catch on fire in Mcgregor, FL, you may need help dealing with the fire damage. A professional can assist with fire cleanup and remediation and remove unwanted odors. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the risk of this disaster by taking proper care of your dryer.

Cleaning the Lint Tray
You probably know that you should clean out the lint tray each time you use your dryer. To clear the tray:

  • Remove the tray carefully using the handle
  • Clear off any lint
  • Wash with water and soap if the tray is particularly dirty
  • Replace the tray

However, lint also accumulates in other parts of the machine and must be dealt with periodically to avoid a lint fire.

Removing Lint From the Exhaust Hose

First, unplug your dryer. Next, detach the hose, which might require the use of a screwdriver. Be careful because if you are too rough, you could cause damage that might prevent the hose from reconnecting.
Next, use a brush to clean the lint from the hose. You can also use a vacuum cleaner attachment for this step.

Clearing Lint From the Wall Vent

The vent on the wall where the hose attaches gathers lint, too, leading to the possibility of a dryer fire. You can purchase a tool designed to clean the vent, which is effectively a brush on a long arm.
Feed the arm into the wall and carefully rotate the device to clean out the vent. You may need to repeat this step several times to get all of the accumulated lint. After this, you can reattach the hose and tighten the clamps.

By taking these steps on a regular basis, you can reduce your risk of a lint fire and the damage it can cause to your home.

What Not to Do After a Flood

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Avoid The Following In Your Home

Dangerous flood water can cause problems for anyone, even if you've never experienced a flood before. Knowing the correct, and incorrect, actions to take during and after the incident can, not only save your life, but also help you avoid subsequent property damage. Make sure to avoid the following if your home in Lehigh Acres, FL, has recently suffered from a flood.

1. Never Enter a Moving Flood.

There are a number of reasons why wading or swimming in flood water is a terrible idea. The water could likely contain harmful biohazards or other contaminants. Likewise, it's difficult to tell how quickly the current is moving. It only takes about 6 inches of water to sweep you away.

2. Never Disobey Emergency Response Crews.

First responders, local authorities and other types emergency response crews exist to help you. Disobeying or ignoring them can put you in danger, as well as make their jobs significantly more difficult. You're better off listening to what they have to tell you and following their directions.

3. Never Touch Standing Water.

Just because the water in your flooded home isn't moving, doesn't mean it's safe. Much like the flood currents, this standing water could contain harmful biohazards. It's also possible that the water could be electrically charged, especially if it has come into contact with an outlet or electronic device.

4. Never Drive Through a Flood.

It only takes about a foot of water to sweep your car away. Avoid catastrophe by simply keeping out of the flood altogether.

5. Never Ignore Water Damage.

All types of floods can cause damage, not just severe ones. After the authorities give you permission to return home, you need to take immediate action to remediate any water damage. Leaving it untreated can cause mold growth and other types of structural damage.

Flood water should never be taken lightly. Staying alert and listening to your local authorities is the best way to keep yourself and your family safe. If your home has suffered damage following a flood, you need to contact flood remediation experts.

3 Reasons You May Find Mold in Your House After It Rains

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wall Mold growth in a Sanibel, FL home

Mold Problems In Your Home

Molds, including black mold, need food and moisture to survive. The moisture from rainfall can sometimes lead to mold problems in your home for the following three reasons.

1. Wet Items in the Home
A bit of light rain usually will not lead to a moisture problem in your home, but if the rain has been heavy or it has been raining for an extended period, wet items in the home can become a problem. To avoid this, dry wet clothing, umbrellas, outerwear and shoes in a well-ventilated area. If your furniture or carpets are wet, make sure to dry those also. Don't forget other items that may be wet, such as the towels you used to dry your pets or floor mats used to clean muddy shoes.

2. Lack of Ventilation
When the weather gets bad, most people keep their doors and windows closed. This lack of ventilation can lead to black mold growth. Once the rain stops, open up the windows and doors and run some fans to increase air circulation. Alternatively, you can run your HVAC system, provided it doesn't also have a moisture problem.

3. Leaks in the Roof
Even a small amount of rain can become a problem if your roof leaks. Contact a roofer in Sanibel, FL, to inspect your roof at least once per year. Repair small problems, such as cracked or missing shingles, before they can become larger problems.

Look for any signs of wet spots or leaks whenever you have had a weather event. If you notice any signs of mold, contact a mold remediation company to do mold cleanup before it can spread.

Heavy or long-lasting rain can create conditions that are favorable to black mold growth in your home. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the chance that rainy weather will lead to a mold problem.

3 Tips for Filing a Partial Fire Loss Claim

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

3 Tips for Filing a Partial Fire Loss Claim

Most fire losses are partial losses, which means that the fire damaged or destroyed part of a building or its contents, but not the whole thing. In this type of fire loss, rather than replacing your entire building, portions of your property will need to be cleaned, replaced, or repaired. Keep these three tips for filing your partial loss claim in mind when you contact your insurance company.

1. Be Aware of Hidden Damage
Sometimes a property may look undamaged on the surface, but there may be hidden smoke damage, water damage, or heat damage. For example, upholstered furniture may appear undamaged by flames, but need professional fire cleaning services to remove the smoke smell. Walls can sometimes conceal water or heat damage that may not be apparent without removing the exterior drywall and inspecting inside. For this reason, it is important to have a professional inspection done to assess all of the damage to your property before settling your claim.

2. Avoid Improper Cleaning or Repair
In most partial fire loss situations, some of your property will be able to be salvaged, rather than replaced, by having professional fire restoration done. However, you must select reputable vendors in Charleston Park, FL, to restore your property. Cleaning and repairs that are not performed properly can lead to expensive problems down the road or even lower the value of your property.

3. Be Sure Your Property Is Restored to Pre-Loss Condition

Your insurance company does not owe you replacement value for the property that can be restored; however, if the property is repaired, the repairs should return your property to its preloss function and appearance. This may require some items that were not damaged by fire to be repaired or replaced.

In most cases, a business with a partial fire loss can be restored to its preloss condition. However, it is important to make sure all damage is properly cleaned and repaired before settling your claim.

Should You Wait for an Adjuster After Storm Damage?

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

Should You Wait for a Storm Damage Adjuster?

After a severe storm or flooding in Fort Myers, FL, you may wonder whether to wait for a flood insurance adjuster before trying to mitigate flood damage. Here are three reasons not to wait before documenting the damage and taking steps to limit the extent of secondary damage to your home.

1. Documentation Is All You Need to File a Claim

An insurance adjuster does not need to witness damage firsthand to process a claim, but you do need to document the damage. Take extensive dated photographic or video evidence. Keep records of possessions, as well as their condition and value, and locate receipts for high-value items if possible. Footage and itemized records should be enough to prove your home and possessions sustained the damage you claim.

2. Adjusters Are Likely To Be Backlogged

Depending on the extent of a flood or storm and how many homes and businesses were affected, it may take adjusters a while to follow up on your flood insurance claims. It is better to document and immediately take steps to mitigate damage to keep conditions in your home from worsening. As a matter of fact, your insurance may not provide as much of a payout if you cannot prove you did everything in your power to limit damage in a timely manner.

3. Secondary Damage Can Start In Hours

The longer water damage sits, the more likely it is that building materials and contents will need to be replaced rather than restored. Mold damage can start to emerge within only 24 to 48 hours following a flood. You should take steps to eliminate the presence of water and moisture in your home as soon as possible.

Don't wait for a flood insurance adjuster following adverse weather or flooding in Fort Myers, FL. Contact water and storm damage specialists if you need assistance with flood damage mitigation or restoration.

5 Ways To Prevent Water Damage During Construction

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage During Construction: 5 Ways To Avoid It

While building a new commercial property, both contractor and client want the project to go off without a hitch. But even a simple water pipe repair can be costly and delay the project's completion. Therefore, it's critical to take the following steps to avoid any water damage during construction.

1. Install and Test Piping Systems Early
Before the bulk of the construction begins, be sure to install and test out piping systems. A water pipe repair is far more manageable when it does not cause major loss to the building, so get this handled early on.

2. Delegate a Team To Oversee Potential Water Issues

Contractors should delegate a team to monitor and mitigate any water issues that may arise. Doing so ensures that problems ranging from a broken pipe to a leaky roof can be quickly noticed and fixed to not slow down the build.

3. Never Install Finishes Without Waterproofing

The structure should be fully enclosed from potential sources of water, including a compromised roof or open windows, prior to installing finishes. This extra step minimizes loss in the event that water seeped into the building somehow. 

4. Test Fire Safety Systems
Commercial buildings are built with fire sprinklers in case of an emergency. Be sure to run tests during the installation of the sprinkler system and monitor any leaks, as this could require a water pipe repair within the system.

5. Call Water Damage Experts if the Building Becomes Flooded

Even with precautions, certain sites can't evade water damage during construction. If this occurs, contact a water damage restoration company servicing Lehigh Acres, FL.

Measures like testing pipes early, assigning a team to monitor for water, installing finishes after waterproofing the building and testing sprinkler systems are great ways to prevent water damage during construction. If a flooding issue arises, contact a cleanup crew to mitigate the damage.

Large Loss Response Key to Recovering Faster

6/19/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO green vehicle with large fonts saying Faster to any Size Disaster SERVPRO of Central Ft. Myers will restore your property " Like it never even happened"

Large-Loss Reaction is Crucial for a Quicker Recovery

A large weather event in Lehigh Acres, FL, such as flooding, often results in extensive damage. While the amount of damage and chaos may seem overwhelming, you can count on SERVRPRO to have a disaster recovery team ready to help deal with the catastrophic loss.

Benefits of a Disaster Recovery Team
Water damage spreads fast, so it is essential to have the fastest response to handle the damage. When you choose a franchise company that is corporate-backed, it makes recovery easier and faster. Below are four benefits you can expect:

Available 24/7: No matter what time of day or day of the week, you can call the 24/7 Customer Care Center Storm and know that your call will be answered.

Certified Technicians: A major weather event requires specialized procedures and equipment to restore a property back to preloss condition. The disaster team has a specialized technicians that are certified to handle the many aspects of the loss.
Nationwide Franchises: As a company with 1,900 local franchises, you can count on an experienced team being within two hours of any location throughout the United States.

Insurance Knowledge: A large-loss event may easily get complicated. With a corporate team fluent in how the claims process works, it means an expedited experience without the hassle.

Catastrophic Loss Cleanup Process
When the team arrives to handle the storm damage, the following services can be expected:

  • The property will be secure to minimize secondary damage.
  • Wet items will be removed to dry properly in a safe location.
  • Standing water will be extracted.
  • Industrial-grade fans and dehumidifiers will be used to dry out the property.
  • Once dry, cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing will be completed following IICRC standards.
  • The property will be restored to “Like it never even happened.”

A catastrophic loss may seem like an impossible situation, but professional help is just a phone call away.

How To Find Out If Your Home Is in a Flood Zone

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

How to Determine Whether or Not Your House Is in a Flood Zone

If you are a homeowner, it's important that you understand your flood risk. One of the first steps to do this is to find out whether you are in a flood zone. Being in such a zone increases your risk of flooding, particularly after a severe storm.

1. Obtain and Review Flood Maps

You can get the information you need about your zone by obtaining and looking at relevant flood maps. The Federal Emergency Management Agency website is your resource for finding and downloading flood maps for review. You may choose to use a map showing your entire community, or you can create a custom map — called a FIRMette — of a smaller area that you define. Check effective dates on maps to ensure you are looking at the most up-to-date information.

If you believe there is an error on the maps provided by FEMA, consider requesting a map change from the agency. FEMA will determine if your zone designation needs to be changed, potentially saving you money on premiums.

2. Determine Insurance Needs Based on Flood Zone Status
Flood insurance is available to you as a homeowner, regardless of where you are on the map. But if you find out you are in a higher risk zone, you may desire more coverage. Discuss your options with your insurance company to help mitigate financial costs should you experience flood damage to your home in Fort Myers, FL.

3. Be Prepared and Make Changes Ahead of Time
If you learn that you are in a flood zone, you can take certain precautions. Make sure to have emergency flood supplies on hand, and choose new building projects based on your risk. You may want to build or purchase property outside of your current zone. Also, have contact information of a flood restoration and cleanup company on hand should your home experience damage.

3 Dangers of Driving Through Flooded Roads

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Three Risks Of Driving On Flooded Roads

Strong storms can strike Whiskey Creek, FL, and leave behind serious flooding in your neighborhood. While your flooded street may look like fun to splash around or drive through, this can be quite dangerous. When flooding occurs, knowing how to stay safe behind the wheel and recognizing the dangers can prevent costly accidents.

1. The Water May Be Deeper Than It Looks

When it comes to travel tips, avoiding flooded streets can save your life because in many cases, floodwaters often appear deeper than they seem. When water is deep enough, your car's tires can lose contact with the road and cause it to float. Once this happens, you and anyone else in the car may be at risk of drowning. When you come across a flooded road, turn around and avoid the water if you cannot immediately see how deep it is.

2. Flooded Roads May Hide Danger

Because the depth of floodwaters can be hard to gauge, a flooded street can hide many dangers, including problems that lurk beneath the surface. Cracked or damaged pavement, open manholes and exposed road materials can severely damage your vehicle or trap you inside it.

3. Flood Water Is Dirty

Outdoor floods usually contain dirty contents, such as water from sewers and overflowing creeks. When water from a flooded street enters your car, it could spread bacteria and cause foul odors when it seeps into the interior. You can avoid driving in these conditions by calling in a flood repair and restoration company to help with storm damage to your home instead of driving to the home hardware store for do-it-yourself solutions that may only provide you with short-term fixes.

When heavy rains and sudden storms create flooding effects Whiskey Creek, FL, driving in deep or unknown waters can land you in dangerous situations. When you know how to stay safe, these sudden storms can pass you by without incident.

3 Tips for Fire Sprinkler Readiness

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

3 Fire Sprinkler Preparation Tips

A fire sprinkler system for your commercial building in Fort Myers, FL, is a smart investment. It could stop an incipient fire before it causes significant damage to your facility, saving thousands of dollars in property damage, business interruption costs, and cleanup expenses. Failure to properly care for the system, though, could result in a worst-case scenario: sprinklers that do not activate when needed. Here are some important steps to take to make sure this does not happen.

1. Keep up on General Maintenance

Even with the ultimate system for fire protection, it can be the small things that mess things up. This means that keeping a tidy building matters. Make sure that nothing blocks the sprinkler heads, such as an accumulation of boxes. You should have a clearance of at least 18 inches for each head. Without this space, your fire sprinkler system could just be a waste of money.

2. Schedule Regular Maintenance for Fire Suppression Equipment

Quarterly inspections can spot problems, allow time for repairs and reduce the chance of system malfunction. This could also be a good time for the contractor to install updates to computerized functions. Maintenance increases the safety of the building and keeps your company in compliance with fire codes. While a sprinkler system is built to last, over time components should be replaced for optimal performance.

3. Schedule Testing at Appropriate Intervals

Your system must work as advertised, and sprinkler heads must deploy as needed. If the system does activate, a fire sprinkler cleanup with a fire mitigation company will be necessary. A testing schedule takes into account specific components, so different parts will be tested at different times. Mechanical devices such as heads should be tested frequently, while some gauges only call for testing or replacement about every five years.

Ensuring all fire safety devices are in good condition is part of a good safety plan. A fire sprinkler system can only do its job if it is working properly.

Who Should You Call After Property Damage?

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

Fire damage in a property Relying on SERVPRO for mitigation, cleanup and restoration can ensure that work is done properly based on a single estimate and schedule.

Who Should You Contact If Your Property Has Been Damaged?

A property owner may debate whether to contact an insurance representative or restoration company first after property damage occurs. In order to make a claim, it is necessary to document the full extent of damage suffered by a residential or commercial property in Buckingham, FL. Restoration services that provide information to insurers via electronic claim services can be the best first response service.

Emergency Response Services

In the event of a fire, a property owner should call the nearest fire department. Once a blaze has been extinguished or for damage caused by a storm or water leak, a nearby franchise of a national restoration company can arrive on site within a matter of hours and provide several services:

  • Inspection
  • Documentation
  • Mitigation

It is necessary to determine and document the full extent of damage. Photographs, videos and written materials can then be used to inform a restoration estimate and claim services.

Mitigation and Cleanup Professionals

A full-service restoration company can also mitigate damage. This may involve boarding up a structure damaged by fire or pumping standing water out of a flooded property. Insurers are more likely to cover a claim if mitigation takes place in a timely manner.

A One-Stop Restoration Shop

Relying on SERVPRO for mitigation, cleanup and restoration can ensure that work is done properly based on a single estimate and schedule. An all-in-one service also prevents lines from getting dropped due to a lack of communication between multiple service providers, which can end up requiring rework or secondary damage restoration.

A local franchise of the leading restoration company has the personnel and equipment necessary to respond quickly to any disaster in Buckingham, FL. Whether a large loss situation has damaged numerous properties or a single home, business or commercial property, a company that offers electronic claim services can maintain the open lines of communication necessary for fast recovery.

The Consequences of a Plumbing Failure

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

The Effects Of A Plumbing Disaster

It is hard to overestimate the importance of the plumbing system in your home. When it is working properly, it carries hot and cold water to your appliances with ease. Just as importantly, when things go awry as in the case of a pipe break, the consequences are life-changing, at least for a little while. Water is spilled into your home in Buckingham, FL, threatening to cause damage to walls, flooring and personal belongings. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to what your plumbing system is telling you. Several signs indicate it is time for a plumbing inspection or regular maintenance on your pipes.

The Importance of Listening to Your Plumbing

Just as with a vehicle, sounds are sometimes the first sign that something is wrong, that a pipe break or some other calamity is imminent. The following noises in the plumbing indicate trouble:

  • Whistling when a water faucet is turned on
  • Chattering or banging
  • Squealing

Your first option when you sense trouble is to try and troubleshoot the problem yourself. The more experience you have at this, the more likely you will be able to avoid a disastrous pipe burst by your efforts. Secondly, calling in a licensed plumber is often a good option. While this might be more expensive, it could save you the trouble of a major water spill in your home.

The Value of Professional Water Damage Mitigation

Any time water spills into your living space, it is smart to consider the services of a water damage restoration company. Highly-trained technicians will arrive on the scene quickly and work to fix broken pipe and take other actions. They will remove any standing water with the help of powerful pumps and vacuums. An experienced crew has the goal of restoring your home to its original condition.

Experts can help you minimize the consequences of a pipe break in your home.

3 Alternatives to Using Sand Bags for Flood Prevention

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

Three Flood-Prevention Alternatives To Sand Bags

When you live and work in Mcgregor, FL, you expect to have to deal with flooding from time to time. In order to prepare your business, you watch the news carefully and run out for sand bags to build dams around your business. You've often wondered: is there a better way? While this method of flood prevention has its merits, it's not very convenient or cost-effective. Here are three alternatives to try instead.

1. AquaFence

If your business is located in an office park or strip mall, you're not the only business owner interested in flood damage prevention. This product is meant to protect large areas, like city blocks, so have everyone pitch in for this one. Once you have it, it takes a few people to set up and can then be stored away for the next emergency.

2. HydraBarrier

For your stand-alone business, something like the HydraBarrier might make more sense. Each of these barriers replaces several sand bags and uses water to fight water. You quickly fill the bags with water to create flood dams around your business. Drain them when you're finished and store them for later.

3. Quick Dam

The Quick Dam is the mostly easily deployed option available. This superabsorbent material pulls in water to create a barrier. You can stack them for high water protection. Once flood waters recede, the material will shrink back to its original size so that it, too, can be reused.

While sand bags may be cost effective in the short-term or for infrequent flooding, water barriers that can be reused from flood to flood and year to year are ultimately more beneficial for your bottom line. No barrier is perfect and it is likely that in the event of a significant weather event, your business may suffer from flood damage. Contact a water damage restoration company to help with repairs.

In places that flood frequently, alternative flood dams will be better for your business and for the environment.

How To Clean Your Gas Range

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

How To Clean A Gas Cooktop

A grimy gas range can lead to a kitchen fire or smoke plumes in your Fort Myers, FL, home. Fortunately, the range cleaning process is inexpensive and fairly simple.

Range Components

Although electric ranges sometimes have completely smooth surfaces that only need to be wiped down, their gas counterparts are a bit more complex. The following are the main exterior components:

  • Burners
  • Burner caps
  • Burner grates
  • Knobs

The burners are the sections of the range top that control the flames. Burner caps are the round covers that attach to the burners. Burner grates are the metal support on which pots and pans rest. There may be four, one for each burner, or two larger ones that each cover half the range top. The knobs are located at the front of the range.

Range Cleaning

The first step in cleaning a gas range is making sure that the stove is completely off and the top is cool. Then detach the removable parts: burners, burner caps, burner grates and knobs. These components may be dishwasher-safe. Otherwise, leave them in a sink filled with warm, soapy water. Then return to the range surface.

Remove loose crumbs first, and then spray down the rest of the surface with a kitchen cleaner. Allow the cleaner to soak for a while and wipe down the surfaces. For particularly difficult buildup, you can use a scrub brush or scouring pad. Rinse with a damp kitchen towel until all soapy residue is removed and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Empty the sink and rinse the detachable components with clean water. You may need to use the scrub brush to remove any leftover grime. Dry the parts and put them back on the range.

Routine range cleaning is an important step in preventing kitchen fires. However, if your gas range has led to a fire or smoke smell in your kitchen, an experienced restoration service can get your kitchen back to normal safely.

4 Common Causes of Water Damage and How To Prevent Them From Happening

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machine is cleaning a house after water damage If your home is affected by water damage, call SERVPRO today. Our team is a leader and highly trained in water removal and restoration!

The 4 Most Common Causes Of Water Damage And How To Avoid Them

Whatever the cause, water damage that occurs to your home in Lehigh Acres,FL, can be incredibly stressful and costly to deal with. Especially severe cases can damage the structure of your house, completely destroy furniture, ruin personal belongings, and cause mold to grow.

To key to avoiding water damage is by ensuring there is no excess water in your home due to leaks, puddles, or too much moisture in the air. Here are four common causes of water damage to be aware so you can prevent them from ever happening in the first place.

1. Issues With Your HVAC System

HVAC systems are prone to leaking or freezing due to dirty coils, a broken pipe, or temperature issues. Make sure to perform regular maintenance and inspections on your HVAC and address any concerns before leaving your home on vacation to avoid leaving leaking water in your home while you’re away.

2. Lack of Ventilation

One easy but important way to avoid having to call in a water restoration specialist is to ensure your home is well ventilated. This is especially true in your bathroom. When you take a shower, make sure to turn on your exhaust fan, crack open a window, and leave the door open.

3. Plumbing Issues

Issues with your plumbing can cause extreme water damage before you even realize that anything went wrong, which is why prevention is key. Make sure to check your bathrooms and sinks regularly to observe for any leaks, musty smells, or a problem with your toilet. Avoid a major pipe cleanup by replacing old, rusty pipes if you notice any.

4. Appliance Leaks

Watch out for the four appliances that leak the most by checking for leaks, faulty connections, or cracked hoses:

  • Washing machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Water heater

Dealing with damage due to excess water in your home can often be avoided. Keep on top of these common causes of leaks, puddles, and flooding and always address issues as soon as they occur!

Who Should You Call After Property Damage?

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

Fire damage to a property Relying on SERVPRO for mitigation, cleanup and restoration can ensure that work is done properly based on a single estimate and schedule.

Who Should You Contact If Your Property Has Been Damaged?

A property owner may debate whether to contact an insurance representative or restoration company first after property damage occurs. In order to make a claim, it is necessary to document the full extent of damage suffered by a residential or commercial property in Buckingham, FL. Restoration services that provide information to insurers via electronic claim services can be the best first response service.

Emergency Response Services

In the event of a fire, a property owner should call the nearest fire department. Once a blaze has been extinguished or for damage caused by a storm or water leak, a nearby franchise of a national restoration company can arrive on site within a matter of hours and provide several services:

  • Inspection
  • Documentation
  • Mitigation

It is necessary to determine and document the full extent of damage. Photographs, videos and written materials can then be used to inform a restoration estimate and claim services.

Mitigation and Cleanup Professionals

A full-service restoration company can also mitigate damage. This may involve boarding up a structure damaged by fire or pumping standing water out of a flooded property. Insurers are more likely to cover a claim if mitigation takes place in a timely manner.

A One-Stop Restoration Shop

Relying on SERVPRO for mitigation, cleanup and restoration can ensure that work is done properly based on a single estimate and schedule. An all-in-one service also prevents lines from getting dropped due to a lack of communication between multiple service providers, which can end up requiring rework or secondary damage restoration.

A local franchise of the leading restoration company has the personnel and equipment necessary to respond quickly to any disaster in Buckingham, FL. Whether a large loss situation has damaged numerous properties or a single home, business or commercial property, a company that offers electronic claim services can maintain the open lines of communication necessary for fast recovery.

3 Ways SERVPRO Helps With Insurance Claims

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company SERVPRO supports insurers in a variety of ways, a suite of electronic claims services and an all-in-one approach to mitigation and restoration.

SERVPRO Can Assist With Insurance Claims In Three Ways

Insurance companies prefer to work with mitigation and restoration companies that make it easier to process and settle claims. SERVPRO supports insurers in several ways, including an internal company-wide Participation Agreement that identifies Preferred Vendors, a suite of electronic claim services and an all-in-one approach to mitigation and restoration.

1. Preferred Vendor Program

Insurance jobs are only available to franchises that meet the terms of a 21-point Participation Agreement administered by the national corporation. Franchise owners must agree to perform background checks on employees and maintain insurance coverage. Insurers should also make sure that a franchise has an Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.

2. Claims Information Center

Insurance agents and adjusters should be able to access claim information and estimates online. The Claims Information Center is an electronic resource designed to reduce communication delays and promote faster claim processing and settlement. A full suite of claim services makes it easy for insurance representatives to compare individual claims with local, regional and national data on causes of loss, job costs and emergency response times. This resource provides access to claim documentation for clients as well as data for a franchise location in Fort Myers, FL.

3. Combined Mitigation and Restoration Services

Insurance claims that involve separate mitigation and restoration companies are likely to be more complicated. In addition to multiple estimates, insurers and clients may also encounter issues such as delays, scheduling discrepancies or miscommunication. Given the time-sensitive nature of limiting and restoring damage, any of these issues may result in a less successful recovery effort. Combining these services allows for a more accurate initial estimate and prevents delays and dropped lines of communication.

These are only three of the ways in which SERVPRO facilitates the processing and settlement of an insurance claim. Property owners and insurance representatives can rely on helpful claim services throughout the mitigation and restoration process.

How Does Pretesting Affect Claims?

3/5/2022 (Permalink)

What Impact Does Pretesting Have On Claims?

Pretesting can help to determine the full extent of damage to a property before mitigation starts. This preliminary step may increase the accuracy of an initial estimate and could ultimately reduce the total amount of an insurance claim. Learn more about how early testing can potentially impact a claim.

Improving Estimate Accuracy

Preliminary testing can determine the types and precise extent of damage at a property in Lehigh Acres,FL. This method goes beyond visual inspection. Mitigation experts may take any of the following measures:

  • Testing surfaces for damage
  • Searching for signs of secondary damage
  • Inspecting adjoining areas

Pretesting can identify the presence of additional damage that might otherwise be overlooked. Undetected damage could result in serious problems or significantly increase an estimate if it is discovered during mitigation or restoration.

Identifying Additional Damage

Preliminary testing can also determine whether other types of damage are present. In the case of a fire, this may involve additional smoke or soot damage that has traveled through ductwork to other parts of a structure or water damage from extinguishing efforts. In the event of water or storm damage, mold or other secondary damage could be identified through early testing. This damage can then be factored into an initial estimate and work schedule.

Keeping Work On Schedule

If any additional damage is discovered in the midst of mitigation or during restoration, it may add time to the duration of the process. This may result in higher claim amounts for property insurance and possibly also business interruption. Preliminary testing can account for all of the damage that is present at the start of the process.

All of these factors make pretesting well worth any additional expense or time. A property owner or insurance agent should insist on the importance of a thorough initial inspection, particularly when dealing with major damage caused by fire, water or storms.

Prevent Financial Loss With Business Interruption Insurance

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

Business Interruption Insurance Can Help You Avoid Financial Loss

There are countless measures you can take to make your commercial property in Charleston Park,FL, safe and protected in extreme conditions such as heavy snow, flooding or even wildfires. If minor damage is sustained, a professional service can get you up and running quickly.

However, if the damage is severe, you may have to close business operations entirely for a while. The money you lose can start to add up if it takes a long time to rebuild. Business interruption insurance helps you with exactly these situations.

A Different Kind of Insurance

Fire or flood insurance entitles you to some reimbursement to recover after accidents or natural disasters. Business interruption insurance doesn’t pay out to cover the cost of repairs; instead, it makes up for the potential money lost due to a closed business. For example, customers who are unable to visit your establishment may seek out a competitor’s business, or if you own a hotel or rental property, you may miss out on rent. This insurance also covers any utilities like electricity that may still be running while you rebuild.

The Right Purchase

Business interruption insurance is designed to keep you afloat during disasters that are beyond your control. It can be purchased as part of an insurance package or alongside your property insurance policy. The price of your policy may vary depending on certain factors:

  • The building’s location, if that puts it at greater risk
  • The purpose of the property or business
  • The difficulty level of relocating the business

It may take longer for you to get up and running again than you expect, so ideally choose a policy that will cover you for a few days. Coverage often doesn’t start until 48 hours have passed.

You shouldn’t be punished while you’re struggling to rebuild. Professional contractors and cleaning services can get your building back in shape, and insurance can help keep your finances stable in the meantime.

Steps to Cleaning a Flooded Basement

2/12/2022 (Permalink)

the old dirty cellar flooded from a pipe break If you have water damage in your home, you can count on SERVPRO, we offer our cleanup and restoration services around the clock, 7 days a week.

Cleaning A Flooded Basement: A Step-by-Step Guide

A house flood can happen unexpectedly, and if you live in Fort Myers, FL, you may come home one day to find a flooded basement. Insurance coverage will vary according to the policy, and after the initial shock and aggravation, it will be important to find out exactly what damage from a basement flood will be covered by your homeowner or flood insurance.

Many insurance companies will connect you with professional water damage services that will do the heavy clean-up for you. In the meantime, you can begin initial cleaning of your waterlogged basement to prevent prolonged structural damage from the standing water. Here is where you can begin.

1. Choose Your Pump

You have got to begin the process of getting the water out of the basement. Depending on how much there is, you can either use a shop vac or a gas-powered pump. A shop vac plugged into an upstairs outlet can be used for a few inches of water. On the other hand, a deep basement flood requires extreme caution and usually a gas-powered pump is the best way to go to prevent electrocution.

2. Trash the Appliances

Any appliances that you have in the basement will most likely need to go. Appliances that have been in a flood usually cannot be salvaged, and this recommendation also includes any outlets, fixtures, or electrical motors that have been under water. Gas appliances and fixtures will likely have to be discarded as well.

3. Evaluate the Drywall and Floors

If the drywall has been under water, it will have to be removed, as will insulation. If these items are above the water line, they can often be salvaged. Flooring most likely will need to be replaced. Carpet can sometimes be dried and put back.

A basement flood can be a nightmare for any homeowner or renter in Fort Myers, FL. Being proactive in cleanup until the professionals arrive can give you a sense of control in an uncontrollable circumstance.

Three Reasons To Choose SERVPRO in an Emergency

2/3/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines are cleaning a house after an emergency No matter what the emergency is, SERVPRO is an excellent option. They show up faster for any size disaster and provide the help your client needs.

In An Emergency, There Are Three Reasons To Choose SERVPRO.

No matter what the emergency is, SERVPRO is a great choice. They show up Faster to Any Size Disaster and provide the help your client needs to get their Fort Myers, FL, home back in order. Here are a few reasons to choose them when you need repairs done quickly.

1. They Provide Help in a Timely Manner

There are many situations in which your clients may experience damage to their home. Whether the building has been affected by a fire, a burst pipe or a natural disaster, addressing the situation as soon as possible is important. Not only will SERVPRO take steps to prevent any further damage, but they can also provide a professional assessment to assist your client in filing their insurance claim. Once the home has been inspected, they can get repairs done in a timely and cost-effective way.

2. They Are Highly Trained Professionals

When your client needs repairs, you want to use a company that does their job right. Having repairs done incorrectly will be more costly in the long run. As well as being Faster to Any Size Disaster, SERVPRO also uses trained professionals who have the skill and experience to get any damaged home back to its previous state as soon as possible. With the necessary equipment, they will have your client’s home looking great again in no time.

3. They Are Locally Owned

Another reason to use SERVPRO is that they are a locally owned franchise. As such, they take pride in their communities and work hard to serve them. Because they have over 1,700 franchises across the country, it is easy for them to respond quickly during an emergency.

When you are in need of a professional restoration service, call on the one that is Faster to Any Size Disaster. No matter what kind of damage has occurred, they will get the job done right and done fast.

3 Types of Repairs You Can Expect During Storm Damage Restoration

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

During Storm Damage Restoration, There Are Three Types Of Repairs To Expect.

When powerful storms impact Fort Myers, FL, they can cause a considerable amount of damage to your commercial property. Downed trees, broken branches and flooding can wreak havoc both inside and out and leave you needing professional help with cleanup efforts, such as tear out and water drainage services. Knowing what to expect before the restoration process begins can help you feel more confident about the outcome and the future of your business.

1. Flood Water Draining

Violent rainstorms can cause localized flooding as creeks and streams overflow their banks and neighborhood sewers back up and overflow into your building. This can cause different types of water damage to your businesses’ building materials, particularly carpeting and drywall. When your remediation service arrives, the first step the technicians will likely take is to drain away the water to prevent mold growth and other types of long-term damage that can be difficult to remove.

2. Removal of Damaged Materials

Once flood water is removed from your business, your storm restoration technicians will probably inspect affected areas to decide which walls and flooring will need tear out service. Removing porous building materials that have been soaked by dirty water can prevent them from weakening over time and trapping foul sewer and mildew odors.

3. Drying and Restoration

Your flood damage and restoration service may bring in tools to dry flooded areas before the technicians begin to replace damaged floors, walls and ceilings. Drying these areas thoroughly can prevent the development of mold, which thrives in damp, humid environments. Once exposed interior walls and floors are properly dried, your technicians will likely finish the job by restoring them and ensuring no trace of the flood remains.

It can be difficult to know what kind of services you need when your Fort Myers, FL, business is damaged by violent storms and flooding. From tear out services to water removal, talking to restoration professionals and understanding the process before they begin may give you greater peace of mind about the repairs.

Do’s and Don’ts of Filing a Fire Claim

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

What To Do And What Not To Do When Filing A Fire Claim

Once the smoke has cleared and the flames are extinguished, one of the first things fire victims need to think about is a fire claim. But how do you go about ensuring that you get everything you’re owed? Some concerns may include the following:

  • Collecting benefits in a timely manner
  • Receiving reimbursement for all relevant damage
  • Wrapping up the claim quickly so building restoration can begin

There are many details to consider, but these simple do’s and don’ts can help you navigate the process following your Fort Myers, FL, fire damage.

Don’t Clean Up

One of your first instincts following a fire may be to start picking up debris, but this isn’t the best idea. Cleaning up can remove proof of some damages and prevent you from collecting on your benefits.

Do Take Pictures

There’s bound to be much on your mind in the wake of a fire, and it’s easy to forget the smaller details. This is where a camera can come in handy. Go around the property documenting everything that the fire harmed, big or small. This can be especially useful to prove damages weren’t pre-existing.

Do Make a List of Property Loss

As soon as you’re able, make a list of things lost in the fire. No item is too small. It’s important to begin this right away, because it’s easy to forget all of the details in the weeks following a fire. Starting early ensures you’ll have a thorough list and a better chance at getting what’s due.

Don’t Wait to File a Fire Claim

Insurers often require policy holders to file as soon as possible, so don’t delay calling. Alerting the insurance company allows it to expedite the investigation process and can get you reimbursed sooner rather than later. This is especially true if nearby properties were also damaged and will also be filing claims.

Nobody ever wants to face a business fire. But when the unthinkable happens, it helps to know what to do. Use these tips to help you file your fire claim so you can focus on fire restoration and a return to business as usual.

How To Address a Clogged Pipe Inside Your Bathroom

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

A Bathroom Flooded Is water damage present in your home? Call SERVPRO for all your restoration needs.

How To Clear A Blocked Pipe In The Bathroom

Perhaps you have recently noticed that your toilet overflows while you take a shower. If this describes a common scenario inside your bathroom, you may have a clog inside the waste water line. To remedy the situation and avoid additional unsanitary water seepage, you may need to perform a sewage cleaning or have your system evaluated by a licensed plumber.

Common Clog Causes

Every home in Lehigh Acres, FL, may be susceptible to a sewer line obstruction at some point, and a variety of conditions can contribute to clog formations:

  • Flushing paper towels, diapers and feminine hygiene products
  • Tree root infiltration
  • Grease buildup from cooking oils
  • Collapsed pipes

Regardless of the obstruction’s origins, toilet seepage may continue to plague your bathroom until the clogged pipe is properly addressed.

Clearing the Obstruction

The blockage may reside deep inside a pipe. For this reason, you may need to use a long auger snake instead of a plunger to clear the clog. To begin the sewage cleaning, you can either run the device through the toilet or remove the commode and insert the snake directly through the floor drain. As an alternative, you can locate your home’s drain cleanout plug and attempt to clear the obstruction from that point.

If you continue to experience drainage issues after employing the auger, your plumbing system may have a more serious problem, such as a collapsed line or tree root infiltration. Because these situations require professional attention, you should contact a licensed plumber who can utilize a variety of tools to thoroughly analyze your pipes and detect the problem.

Managing the Situation

Addressing water damage resulting from a toilet overflow can be a challenging and messy experience. Alleviating a clogged pipe can also be extremely difficult, depending on the nature of the obstruction. Although many homeowners may be able to accomplish an efficient sewage cleaning using an auger, particularly difficult clogs and damaged pipes require professional assistance.

To Save or Replace: Item Care After Mold Growth

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

Mold damage on an object If you find mold in your home, it is important to have SERVPRO remove it as quickly as possible.

Item Care After Mold Growth: To Save Or Replace

When you have a mold problem, it tends to get on everything. Part of the mold cleaning process in your home in Charleston Park, FL, includes taking care of your belongings. Many things may have to be thrown away if the mold is embedded deep within them, but mold mitigation specialists may be able to salvage more than you think.

Photos and Documents

Family photographs tend to carry heavy sentimental value, and important documents may cost money and take a lot of time to replace. It’s good news, therefore, when these items can be restored following mold damage.

By hiring certified technicians who are experts in mold remediation, you may be able to save papers that are hard or impossible to replace. There are several possible ways to restore these items:

  • Thermal drying
  • Freeze drying
  • Air drying
  • Dehumidifying

Textiles and Soft Materials

Mold cleaning of textiles usually involves a slightly more intense version of the routine cleaning they already get. Curtains, clothing, linens and leather may be able to be restored “Like it never even happened." Many items can also be salvaged via dry cleaning. The Esporta Wash System is used by remediation specialists to clean soft items to a food-grade level.

Computers and Televisions

Electronic equipment can be a little trickier to clean. Water can cause irreparable damage to sensitive gadgets, so it’s important to make sure the machine is thoroughly dried first. Equipment that has mold damage can short out and crash if you try to use it before it is fully repaired. You should thus enlist the help of technicians who specialize in electronics restoration.

When you start the mold cleaning process, you may be overwhelmed by how many items are affected. Certified experts can help you distinguish between what can be saved and what has to be thrown away. You may be able to salvage more than you imagine.


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